A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State
With a 40 year career as a constitutional lawyer in the USA, John W. Whitehead has a unique, legitimate perspective on where and why the deep state secrets are kept, and why the public ought to be more in-tune with the warning signs. As Leighton Grey discusses this far-reaching topic with Whitehead, Canadians will grasp the depth and perniciousness of corruption, the state-ordered 'censorship industrial complex' and more importantly, how we can all protect ourselves.
Pride, Sensuality, & Sin | Commentary
September 7, 2023
Recent Census data reveals that 99.7% of Canadians do not identify as transgender or non-binary, with only 0.3% falling into these categories. Nevertheless, a notable trend has emerged where numerous retailers appear to be enthusiastically catering to a small, outspoken minority. In this weekly commentary, Leighton Grey delves into the true essence of pride and what this all really means.
Hope Beyond the Pandemic | Dr. Peter McCullough
September 7, 2023
Renowned Epidemiologist Dr. Peter McCullough joins Leighton Grey on today's revealing and shocking episode. Dr. McCullough sets a few records straight and takes Leighton on a deep dive into the aftermath of the Covid-19 Pandemic. What are the steps after COVID? Is there a light at the end of the tunnel? Watch to the end to hear about a new health venture presenting hope for a healthy future.
How History Affects Our Future | Richard C. Lyons
August 28, 2023
Leighton speaks with American author, Richard C. Lyons, as he unveils the prospects of our society's future by retelling the fascinating past of republics, democracy, and the tyrannical figures that inspired America's formation. The future often parallels the past, but what can we learn by rediscovering the past? Dive in and follow along for this informative conversation.
The Battle for Alberta | David Parker
August 22, 2023
There's a battle in Alberta that many don't know or see. David Parker, founder of Take Back Alberta, says for too long, Alberta's ruling elite have taken advantage of everyday people, thriving on political apathy and restricting freedoms. But things are turning around. Hear the power behind this movement, the change its inflicted in Alberta politics and how you can do the same.