Leaving God Behind
Leighton Grey untangles the subtleties in The Charter of Rights and Freedoms with historian and author Michael Wagner, as they discuss the impacts of secularization in Canada and the roots of judicial activism causing a domino effect in the laws and social order of Western society. Learn how we got here and where we can go from here.
Capitalist Ethics | Commentary
May 6, 2024
Leighton Grey discusses the changes happening in the Western world. He reveals the real impact of migration, cultural shifts, and the loss of traditional values. Globalism threatens our way of life and Leighton advices for a return to the core principles of capitalism and individual freedom as essential for preserving our society.
The Rise in anti-Semitism Explained | David M. Haskell
April 29, 2024
Wilfred Laurier University professor David M. Haskell challenges the notion that DEI, diversity, equity, and inclusion eradicates discrimination. He argues that prioritizing quotas over merit may backfire, leading to unintended bias. As anti-Semitism rises on campuses, the debate on DEI's true impact intensifies.
Are We on Stolen Land? | Dr. Jeff Fynn-Paul
April 24, 2024
Professor and author Dr. Jeff Fynn-Paul says our forefathers were not racist. People weren't either the oppressed or the oppressors but today we tend to put people into these categories. Is the word genocide being abused by our government? How does this help or hurt the indigenous peoples? Leighton and his guest break some colonialism misconceptions and discuss his new book called Not Stolen: The Truth About European Colonialism in the New World.
There's No Profit in Healthy People | Mark Sherwood
April 12, 2024
We are the sickest generation ever. Why is that? Mark Sherwood saw the dire situation people were in as a police officer in Oklahoma so he became a naturopathic doctor. Now he and his wife help millions heal and get healthy. Mark reveals the first steps to turning your physical and mental health around and explains that the medical system is no longer there for your wellbeing. Who can you count on? Find Mark Sherwood: https://sherwood.tv/