Marxist Madness | Commentary
Canadians are grappling with economic challenges, recognizing the looming threat of financial strain. Unchecked immigration is sparking concerns about its potential impact on our cultural traditions. Litigation Lawyer Leighton Grey offers a weekly commentary, urging us all to pay attention and actively engage in our democratic processes.
Woke Changes the Courts and Country | Thomas Flanagan
October 27, 2023
Borrowed money and political directives are changing the course and courts of our Nation. Thomas Flanagan and host, Leighton Grey dive deeper into why the progressive ideology is replete in the public life of Canada. Who benefits from the change in thought and law? You don't want to miss out on Thomas and Leighton discussing the court cases, political directives and the possible financial disaster of the nation's borrowed billions.
Return of the Roman Censor
October 26, 2023
Has the Censor always had the power over life, or silence? Where did the concept of censorship come from? For this we have to go back to the times of the Romans. Through history, censorship has turned into a powerful weapon, used by both governments and institutions. How did this happen? Listen to Litigation Lawyer, Leighton Grey's weekly commentary.
How are ideologies dividing Canada's identity? | James Lindsay
October 25, 2023
American author and Cultural Critic, James Lindsay, has defined Canada as "The 'Woke-ist' Country in the World". If that is the perception of Canada's identity, why do many Canadians feel that there is dissonance between the way Canada is being governed, the policies that are being made, and the way we actually think and feel? Canada's true identity requires unity. James and Leighton breakdown the meaning of Critical Race Theory, and other divisive ideologies that are dividing Canada's identity and people on today's episode.
God's Principles for a Republic | Mark Burrell
October 16, 2023
What were the principles of those who founded the American Republic. The Puritans and others who came to America to find freedom and follow their Christian convictions knew that they could create a covenant that would build a nation and like the world at that time had not seen. Leighton Grey and author Mark Burrell discuss Mark's book Rediscovering the American Covenant and the truth behind the Declaration of Independence.
Masked Catastrophe Exposed | Commentary
October 12, 2023
This week's commentary with Leighton Grey... Are masks back in vogue for the health officials of Canada? When we follow the trail of money and control what do we see behind the masks and the data fraud, hiding the toxicity of proposed solutions? Listen to Litigation Lawyer, Leighton Grey's weekly commentary.